Be A Earth Angel….
2021 Positive Impact Life CROWDFUNDING

Blessed are those that can GIVE without remembering and RECEIVE without forgetting – unknown
We have 8 Amazing sponsorship pledge levels (one for each of the 8 letter in the word, POSITIVE) – Which one are you? Demonstrate your power for positive change by providing funding for promotion and production of Positive Impact Life. Help us spread the joyous acts of kindness, service and love occurring around our world……
Be a Positarian: Pledge $11 or more

Be a Positarian: You are a person of possibility, a person of promising nature, a chain reactor.
As a Positarian Angel YOU Will Receive:
- Because you believe in positive change and our case demonstrates the power for positive change and someone who cares about being a positive impact.
- A special thank you for your positive support of our platforms and movement
- Your name listed as A Positarian Angel on our website
- A positive impact life blue solar water bottle
Be an Optimistic: Pledge $100 or more
Be an Optimist: You are person who is hopeful and confident about the future.
As an Optimistic Angel YOU Receive:
- Your name listed as a Optimist Angel on our website.
- A pair of rose colored glasses.
- A shout out on our podcasts
- A 8×10 canvas or metal ready to hang print from Love Infinity
Be a Solutionist: Pledge $250 or more
As a Solutionist: You are solver of problems, you provide a positive answer to a difficult situation.
As a Solutionist Angel YOU Receive:
- Your Name Listed as a Solutionist Angel on our website.
- 2 pairs of rose colored glasses.
- Annual membership to special Positive Impact Life content.
- Limited edition cool Positive Impact Life T-shirt.

Be an Illuminist: Pledge $500 or more
As an Illuminist: You are a person who possess special enlightenment or knowledge of a situation.
As an Illuminist Angel YOU Receive:
- Your Name Listed as A Illuminist Angel on our website.
- A 11×14 canvas or metal ready to hang print from Love Infinity
- 2 Limited edition cool Positive Impact Life T-shirts.
- Very cool Positive Impact Life baseball hat.
- Crystal starter pack.
- 11% discount on all our products, workshops, events.
Be a Trailblazer: Pledge $1000 or more
The Trailblazer: You are person who creates a new path – a change maker – a pioneer; an innovator and visionary seeing opportunities.
As a Trailblazer Angel YOU Receive:
- Your Name & or Logo Listed as A Trailblazer Angel on our website.
- A 16×20 canvas or metal ready to hang print from Love Infinity.
- 2 Very cool Positive Impact Life baseball hat.
- A personalized autographed copy of Stephen Lesavich’s award-winning and best selling book: The Plastic Effect: How Urban Legends Influence the Use and Misuse of Credit Cards .
- A personalized autographed copy of Stephen Lesavich’s and Love Infinity’s new book: Positive Impact: A Global Inspiration Project.
- A Life Coaching or Business Coaching session with Stephen Lesavich.
- A Pranic Healing session with Love Infinity.
Be an IMAGINIST: Pledge $2500 or more
As an Imaginist: You are a person who implements concepts and imagineering.
As an Imaginist Angel YOU Receive:
- Your Name & or Logo Listed as A Imaginist Angel on our website.
- 3 Life Coaching or Business Coaching sessions with Stephen Lesavich.
- 3 Pranic Healing sessions with Love Infinity.
- An Advertisement or Article on our website for 6 months.
Be a VISIONARY: Pledge $5000 or more
As an VISIONARY Angel: You are a person who thinks about planning the future with imagination and wisdom.
- Your Name & or Logo Listed as A Visionary Angel on our website.
- A 24×20 canvas or metal ready to hang print from Love Infinity.
- Annual 6 memberships to special Positive Impact Life content.
- 2 Crystal starter packs.
- Two copies of personalized autographed copies of Stephen Lesavich’s award-winning and best selling book: The Plastic Effect: How Urban Legends Influence the Use and Misuse of Credit Cards .
- Two copies of personalized autographed copies of Stephen Lesavich’s and Love Infinity’s new book: Positive Impact: A Global Inspiration Project.
- PI Life Heart Jewelry.
- 6 Life Coaching or Business Coaching sessions with Stephen Lesavich.
- 6 Pranic Healing sessions with Love Infinity.
- 2 Advertisements or Articles on PI website for 12 months.
- Special acknowledgments at our PI events.
- Special podcast with Stephen Lesavich & Love infinity.
Be an ENLIGHTENMENTIST: Pledge $11000 or more
An Enlightenmentist Angel: You are a person whose is a benevolent one, a backer of a positive enterprise.
As an Enlightenmentist YOU Receive:
- Your Name & or Logo Listed as A Enlightenmentist Angel on our website.
- 8 pairs of rose colored glasses.
- 8 Positive Impact Life Blue Solar Water Bottle
- A 24×20 canvas or metal ready to hang print from Love Infinity.
- 8 Limited edition cool Positive Impact Life T-shirts.
- 8 Very cool Positive Impact baseball hats.
- Four (4) copies of personalized autographed copies of Stephen Lesavich’s award-winning and best selling book: The Plastic Effect: How Urban Legends Influence the Use and Misuse of Credit Cards .
- Four (4) copies of personalized autographed copies of Stephen Lesavich’s and Love Infinity’s new book: Positive Impact: A Global Inspiration Project.
- Two (2) PI Life Heart Jewelry.
- Eight (8) Life Coaching or Business Coaching sessions with Stephen Lesavich.
- Eight (8) Pranic Healing sessions with Love Infinity.
- A golden ticket to your choice of one of our events or workshops
- 2 Special podcasts with Stephen Lesavich & Love infinity
- Special shouts on our podcast and social media.
- Exclusive photoshoot from photographer Love Infinity.
- Dinner with Stephen Lesavich & Love Infinity.
- Special podcast with Stephen Lesavich & Love infinity.
- 11 Pay It Forward bracelets.
- Ad or story in our next special print/digital mag/book.
- Your name or logo listed as an HONORARY ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER.
PositiveImpact® Life is an organization that provides a window into a world of uplifting consequences and inspiring effects.
PositiveImpact® Life is based in part on the idea that the smallest action, done with positive intent, can be life-altering and, much like a raindrop, can create a ripple effect of untold proportions.
Our readers and content providers share our passion for the positive, and they to know that small changes can have big results.
Join us on our quest by providing a financial donation to create a powerful resource of positive education, inspiration, and hope. Let’s give a new definition to the words “positive impact” and create a worldwide movement, infecting 7 Billion+ people worldwide, encouraging positive solutions for life!
PURPOSE: Your financial donations will be used for business expenses including hiring additional staff and purchasing additional technology to expand our ability to respond to numerous partnership requests and to provide positive content globally in electronic, audio, video format and online and support our in-person classes and events.
Our 2020 Fundraising Goal: $150,000 by February 31, 2021. The blue arrow indicates our current donation level.
We have 8 Amazing sponsorship pledge levels (one for each of the 8 letter in the word, POSITIVE) – Which one are you? Demonstrate your power for positive change by providing funding for promotion and production of Positive Impact Life. Help us spread the joyous acts of kindness, service and love occurring around our world……
NOTE: All goods and services will be provided only after the 2021 Fundraising campaign has ended. To be eligible to receive the goods and services for any level, you must contribute the minimum amount required by that level. The new book, Positive Impact: A Global Inspiration Project, is scheduled for publication in 2021 and will be provided after publication.