Originally published on postiveimpactmagazine.com on June 17, 2011

By: Heather Hansen O’Neill
Shhhhh. Don’t tell. But I’m about to reveal the secret to living a life you love…
TAKE BACK CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE! Yes, I’m about to tell you what the world wants to know. About to expose the mystery of a joyful existence. Are you ready? Do you think you can handle it? I know you can. Here it goes..
No, I’m not a control freak. No, I’m not encouraging you to take over the world. I am simply sharing a secret that will give you more energy, joy and hope.
Live the Life You Love!
Stress occurs most often when we feel like a situation or challenge is out of our control. Stress is known to cause health issues such as insomnia and a weakened immune system. Why not simultaneously reduce our stress and improve our ability to live a fulfilling life?
Most people at some point in their lives have been insulted, discouraged, and upset by others. People tell us to give up our goals and dreams, most often because they don’t want us hurt. Because we care about them and know they are looking out for us, we listen. And then at some point down the road we look in the mirror and wonder who we are and what we want out of life.
I think of it in terms of PlayDoh. Remember PlayDoh? That gooey, fabulous stuff that you can squish and mold? I used to imagine myself as a big ball of PlayDoh. Bosses, friends, spouses, children, parents, customers all come along with a big rolling pin, flatten me down, then mold me into their version of what they want me to be. But one day I grabbed that rolling pin and said, “I am the sculptor of my own destiny!” I learned a valuable lesson- when I take care of me, when I live authentically, I am better in each and every role I take on.
Would you like to be the sculptor of your destiny?
Here are a few tips for you to consider when taking back control of your life:
- Know what you want. You may already be abundantly clear on what you want out of your life. But if not, take some time to consider it. Was there a dream you had growing up that you’d like to pursue? Do you have a decent job now but want more free time to go to your kids’ soccer games? Are you an entrepreneur that loves your business but desires to make more money and travel? Do you want a more passionate and loving relationship? What do YOU want?
- Understand that you deserve to have all you desire. You are a unique, beautiful individual that deserves to be happy. Let go of any self doubt. Remove any negative internal dialogue. Arrive at the place of acceptance and love. Would you tell your best friend that they deserve to be happy? Be your best friend right now and know in your heart that you are worthy.
- It’s bigger than you. If you limit yourself you are actually depriving the world of the something special only you can bring to the table. Some people feel that it is selfish to do what you love or be truly happy. In actuality it is one of the most selfless things you can do…because when you are satisfied, energized and joyful you pass that gift on to everyone around you. You set an example and encourage greatness. The world needs a little more of that. Everyone has a special gift to contribute to the world. A gift, that when used, creates energy and joy for both the giver and the receiver. Are you using your unique gift?
If you are tired, frustrated or lonely the likelihood you are using your unique talent is slim. You know you are on the right track when you wake up excited and ready to take on the world. Are you excited? Are you ready? Do you want MORE from your life? Follow YOUR path and you will find an energy and abundance of wealth, love, and success.
The secret to loving your life is simply understanding that You get to choose. It may appear as if we are at the beck and call of the universe and all the people in it. But take a closer look. You have control. You can decide to take back your life. You get to choose how to respond to each and every situation. No one can take that away.
Life is what you make it…you might as well live the life you love.
Heather Hansen O’Neill is an award winning speaker, author, and coach presenting to organizations and corporations on transition, productivity, and joyful living. Her new book Find Your Fire at Forty: Creating a Joyful Life During the Age of Discontent can be found on Amazon or through her website at www.fireinfive.com.

Love Infinity (aka Charity) is a global influencer on a mission to share the power of unconditional love with people world-wide.