The Letter T – Transformation
We are in a period of unprecedented, unwanted change, change that has been thrust upon us by the corona virus, Covid-19. We do not have a clear understanding of when this crisis will end and what the world will look like afterwards.
There is no doubt the whole world will look and feel radically different.
Even though we are all hopefully practicing social distancing and are physically apart, we are all in this TOGETHER. We need to stay connected and engaged, we need to help and support each other even if it we do so virtually.
As an experienced life coach and experienced business coach, one of things I help people deal with is unwanted change.
So, I have decided to use my coaching skills and take the word TOGETHER, and do a series of positive blog posts and podcasts for each of the letters in this word, to give you a set of tools and techniques to help you and the people you are connected to, effectively deal with this period of unwanted changed.
The first letter T in TOGETHER stands for “Transformation.“
We are definitely in a state of Transformation due to COVID-19.
A “transformation” is defined as “a process of profound and radical change that orients a person or an organization into a new direction and a new state of being.”
A transformation changes the composition, character or structure of something.
“COVID-19 is causing transformations that are changing the composition, character and structure of our lives as we have known them.”
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
After a transformation occurs, the new composition, character or structure that results has little or no resemblance to the composition, character or structure that existed in the past.
In mathematics, a transformation is a set of processes that are used to turn, flip, resize or move an entity, such as a shape, to a new position.
In nature, a transformation is the physical changing of something into something else. For example, a caterpillar into a butterfly and a tadpole into a frog.
During a transformation, it is common to question your own beliefs and seek a deeper understanding of who you are, your purpose in this lifetime and the quality of the people in your life and your relationships with those people in your life.
So what should you do to effectively deal with the unwanted transformation that is occurring?
- Examine Your Own Beliefs. Take out a pencil or pen and a piece of paper and make a list of what you believe in and what you think is important to you. What you will likely find is that at least some of the beliefs you thought were important to you and made your life meaningful are no longer valid and cannot be practiced as they were in the present moment and moving forward. Just be aware examining your beliefs may trigger you into a survival mode that generates a state of fear and anxiety and creates resistance to change. However, this transformation may force you to let go of beliefs you have held for your entire lifetime and adopt a modified or brand new belief system based on a new reality. A new reality that is emerging and will be dynamically changing for some time period moving forward.
- Take Responsibility for Yourself. During and after this transformation, as your beliefs may change, you will need to start thinking differently, acting differently and living differently as this new reality emerges. You will need to adapt to conditions of a new reality, a reality that you have never experienced before. You are the co-creator of your own life through your thoughts, your emotions, your decisions and your actions. Make a decision right now to take responsibility for yourself in every aspect of your life.
- Practice Personal Peace. Peace is defined as “is a stress-free state of stillness, security and calmness, everything co-existing in perfect harmony.” To reach a state of personal peace, you must make an inward connection to yourself. Personal peace is independent of external states, circumstances and conditions. Personal peace is independent of the chaos in the external world around you. Personal peace is also independent of your ego. Practicing personal peace will allow you to stay calm and more effectively deal with all the events of this unwanted transformation as they occur.
Embracing the transformations that are occuring will create a positive impact in your life and in the lives of anyone you encounter.
Remember, we are all in this together. Things will get better.
Stay safe, stay healthy and stay home…
Out There on the Edge of Everything®…
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Copyright © 2020, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved.
Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
If you would to receive personal coaching by Dr. Lesavich, please visit his life coaching web-site for additional information.
Click Here to listen to the Podcast associated with this blog post.

Award-winning and best-selling Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of 2 different companies, Attorney, Tech Expert, Certified Solution-Focused Life Coach, Experienced Business Coach.