We are very excited to bring back our Youth Writing Challenge for the 2019-2020 school year.
We invite all teachers, instructors, professors, other educators and mentors to challenge their students to participate.
We invite you (children, teens, young adults, high school and college students of all ages) to challenge yourself to find and tell the stories impacting the world in a positive way. Stories that tell about who, what, where, when, why and how someone or something is creating a positive impact in our world.
They are the stories that touch others and inspire them to take action, the way your favorite book, your favorite song, or your favorite teacher, friend or mentor has inspired you. Stories that illustrate courage, compassion, giving back or paying it forward in small and big ways. Stories about your heroes or unsung everyday heroes.
Your story must include the words “positive impact” in at least one sentence.
We are accepting stories in written, audio and video format.
Audio files cannot include any music. (Copyright issue).
Video files should only include images of the student and/or one individual the student may be interviewing. Video files also cannot include any music. (Copyright issues).
Written stories should be 300-500 words. Audio and video format stories should be no longer than 5-7 minutes.
All stories that are published on-line, in the digital magazine or the print magazine will require copyright, image and likeness, model and/or property releases to be signed by a parent or guardian of the student unless the student is age 21 years or older. These releases will be provided separately to those students whose stories are published.
We are also requesting all winners provide a short (1-2) minute video about their story.
Click Here for examples of previous winners of our Youth Writing Challenge.
All stories will be reviewed by our Editors and our Youth Writing Challenge committee.
The most inspiring stories, those that provide the biggest positive impact on our readers, will be selected to appear in the on-line, digital or print version of the magazine. The winners and challenge results will be announced early next year in 2020. All winners will receive an award certificate.
All published stories will include the Writers Name, Age Group, Hometown, Name of the Writers School, the Writers Instructors Name and Title.
We are accepting stories in the following age group categories:
Age Group 1: (Enrolled in Grade School, Middle School, Jr. High)
Age Group 2: (Enrolled in High School)
Age Group 3: (Enrolled in College, Jr. College, Tech School)
We can’t wait to see and hear who inspires you!
Good Luck!
Submission Deadline: December 31, 2019, 11:59 pm ET US
We use Double Opt-In for accepting all information to comply with global privacy laws.
Check your e-mail (including your spam box and e-mail filters) for a confirmation e-mail from: Positive Impact Empire/Mailchimp. If you do not click on the confirmation link in the confirmation e-mail from Positive Impact Empire, your submission will not considered.
Peace, Love, Joy
Love Infinity

Love Infinity (aka Charity) is a global influencer on a mission to share the power of unconditional love with people world-wide.