720 Decisions?

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Are you aware that there are 1440 minutes in a 24 hour day (24 hours x 60 minutes/hour = 1440 minutes)?

Most people are awake and conscious for about 12 hours each day.  Many of you are awake and conscious for more than 12 hours each day as you sleep 8 hours or less. 

However, let us use a 12 hour day in this discussion.

There are 720 minutes in a 12 hour day (12 hours x 60 minutes/hour = 720 minutes).

If you make one decision a minute in a 12 hour day, you can make 720 new decisions about your life each day.

The number 720 is a very interesting in numerology.

The angel number 720 stands for positive energies.

If the individual digits in number 720 are added up (7+2+0 = 9), the number 9 is obtained.

Half of 720 (720/2 = 360) is 360, which are the number of degrees in a full circle. A 360-degree point-of-view provides the ability to see everything around you with no blind spots.

The digits in the number 360 also add up to the number 9 (3 + 6 + 0 = 9). 

Half of 360 is 180. The digits in 180 also add up to 9. Half of 180 is 90. The digits in 90 also add up to the number 9. Half of 90 is 45. The digits in 45 also add up to the number 9. Half of 45 is 22.5. The digits in 22.5 (2 + 2 + 5 = 9) also add up to 9. Half of 22.5 is 11.25. The digits in 11.25 (1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 9) also add up to 9.

An interesting way to look at the minutes in your day. It keeps coming up 9‘s.

In numerology, the number 9 is a considered a number of completion.

In numerology, the number 9 also represents the finality of something and the start of something new.

Spiritually, the number 9 is associated with spiritual enlightenment and personal fulfilment.

It is unlikely you will ever need to make, or even could make, 720 decisions, one each minute, for 12 hours anytime in your life.

However, will you commit to making just 9 positive decisions every day instead?

Making just 9 positive decisions every day will change the trajectory of your life.

These 9 positive decisions represent the finality of something and the start of something new will provide you with spiritual enlightenment and personal fulfilment.

Making 9 daily positive decisions will also help you empower yourself.

Empowerment is the capability to make important decisions and the ability to act on those decisions. 

Empowerment is a way to exercise personal control in your own life. 

When you are empowered, you decide how you will proceed to co-create the life you truly desire.

When you are empowered, you make important decisions and take actions with courage, positive energy and enthusiasm.

When you are empowered, you are not a victim of anything and you are in direct communication with the Divine through your first sense, your intuition.

To be become empowered, you embrace the imperfect moments in your life with focus and make positive decisions.

To become empowered, you create 9 positive declarations associated with 9 positive decisions you can make each day.

Making 9 positive decisions including 9 positive declarations each day helps change behavior patterns in your subconscious mind and a frequency of a vibrational offering you are sending out to the Universe.

A “declaration” is a formal or explicit statement or announcement of a state or condition that you already know to be true.  It is a commitment to a desired result.  It is a statement of direct instructions for what you are co-creating in your life. 

declaration is very different than an affirmation.  Many mind-body-spirit practitioners create and recite affirmations.

An “affirmation” includes something you are wishing for or hoping to be true in your life but you do not yet actually believe or feel you can have or achieve based on your prior life experiences.  For example, “I can be courageous and confident every day.”

Declarations typically start with, “I declare …”.

Remember your declarations must be in the present tense, with positive words and expressed based on positive emotions.

For example, if you are feeling afraid, you would not use the declaration “I decide and I declare that I will not be afraid,“ because it includes the future tense words “I will … be,” the negative words, “not” and “fear” and would likely be said based on negative emotion “fear” that you are expericing in your own life. 

Instead, you would use the declaration, “I decide and I declare that I am courageous and confident” and say it connecting the feelings associated with positive emotions such as couragepeace, etc. as you make this declaration.

As an experiment, say the affirmation “I can be courageous and confident every day” out loud.

Then say the declaration, “I decide and I declare that I am courageous and confident every day” out loud.

Do you feel the difference in energy between the two in your own body? Which statement you do feel the Universe would respond most strongly to?

Making 9 daily decisions based on positive declarations puts you in a state of empowerment and allows you to make a positive impact in your own life. 

I am taking the opportunity to make at least 9 of the 720 possible decisions I can make each day based on positive declarations and positive emotions to empower myself. 

How about you?

Out There on the Edge of Everything® …

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright © 2021, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.

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Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Award-winning and best-selling Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of 2 different companies, Attorney, Tech Expert, Certified Solution-Focused Life Coach, Experienced Business Coach.

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