At the Intersection of…

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An intersection is defined as “a point where two lines or curves meet.”

An intersection of two lines is “a point where the two lines cross each other.” 

There are many types of intersections and intersection points in your life.

The intersection of preparation and opportunity is “luck” according the Roman philosopher Seneca.

However, I say:

“The intersection of preparation and opportunity is success.”

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

The intersection of black and white is “gray.”

The intersection of matter and antimatter is the “quantum foam.”

The intersection of consciousness and emotions is “feelings.”

The intersection of emotions and feelings is a “behavior.”

The intersection of power and force is the “Law of Polarity.”

Intersections in your life are also places where you need to make choices.

Intersection points in your life include the ability to make both positive and negation choices.

A positive choice at the intersection of fear and danger is “courage.”

A negative choice at intersection of fear and danger is “panic.”

Podcast: At the Intersection of….

Podcast here shortly.

When you reach an intersection in your life how you do decide what positive choice to make?

  1. Create A Contrast List.  You gain clarity through the contrasts of the choices you have to make.  The technique of “clarity through contrasts” was created by Abraham-Hicks (Ester and Jerry Hicks, Hay House authors) and others.  Contrast is a necessary component of making choices.  You actually live your life based on the contrasts you experience in it. You can’t know what choice you want to make unless you know choice you do not want to make. Contrast causes you to clarify your choices very precisely, so you get to decide what you do prefer and act on those choices. To gain clarity through contrast create a contrast list with two columns.  Label the first column, a negative column, “What I DO NOT Want to Choose.”  Label the second column, a positive column, “What I DO Want to Choose.”  Your contrast list will provide you the clarity to make the based choice.
  2. Use Discernment.  Discernment is defined as “a perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining guidance and understanding about a choice.” Apply discernment to contrast list. For example, when you apply discernment to make a choice about a situation, event or person, you are seeking facts and truths about the situation. Discernment is about seeking understanding and insights about the many choices available to make about a situation, event or person.  Discernment is about seeking the truth about a situation, event or person. Discernment is also about making a decision about a situation, event or person without being influenced by the behavior of others.
  3. Rely on your Intuition.  After applying discernment to your contrast list, use your intuition to make a final decision.  Your intuition is your First Sense and is your own internal guidance system.  Your intuition is the sense you should always rely on first before your other 5 senses when you are facing a decision point. Your intuition is that gut-feeling, that warm feeling in your heart-space, that ah-hah moment or something that just pops into your head, without you having been thinking about it, but is something you just know, is true and correct.  Your intuition is your connection to Divine Energy, higher dimensions.  Your Intuition provides you with clear, viable and peaceful choices. Your Intuition provides you with inspired, specific and direct actions you can take so you can leave the intersection making the best choice and create forward movement in your life.

Making the best choices at intersections in your life allow you to make a positive impact in your own life.

Out There on the Edge of Everything®…

Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Copyright ©2022, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD.  All rights reserved.

Certified solution-focused life and experienced business coach.

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Stephen Lesavich, PhD

Award-winning and best-selling Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of 2 different companies, Attorney, Tech Expert, Certified Solution-Focused Life Coach, Experienced Business Coach.

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