Colette Baron-Reid, is an internationally acclaimed, Oracle expert, thought leader and best selling author. As a spiritual medium, she is also the star of the hit TV series, “Messages from Spirit” (Amazon Prime/YouTube), and she hosts the highly popular call-in radio show “Ask the Oracle” on HayHouseRadio.com.
She has been and heard on television and radio talk shows across the nation, her guest appearances include Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Oprah and Friends radio, The Today Show and others.
Colette hosted her annual OraclePalozza® event virtually this year on July 31 through August 2, 2020.
This event is typically held as a live, in-person event each year. However, because of Covid-19, the event was held virtually this year.
Colette hosted 3,100+ students from 52 countries around the world from a televison studio in Toronto, Canada, where she was physically located. The class was conducted virtually using Zoom.
Each student logged into their own dashboard. The dashboard included class materials, dynamic class announcements and allowed student to type in and save responses to questions asked during class and to complete exercises that allowed the students to collect Oracle Points and compete for gifts over the weekend. The dashboard also included buttons to send emojis that appeared in real-time on television screens behind the Master of Ceremony for the class, who was in another television studio in North Carolina. The dashboard was a great addition to keep students informed and engaged during a three-day virtual class.
The class included seven breakout sessions over three days for which small groups of 8-10 students were selected and put together to talk with each other for twenty minute time periods.
Students were automatically transferred into and out of breakout sessions seamlessly.
Colette selected various students to personally interact with and the students were brought up to a big screen for real-time interactions with Colette.
Overall, this virtual class was very well done. The technology worked well, with very few technical glitches.
This type of virtual class is likely to become a common way to provide such classes to large and small audiences during the “new normal” during and after the Covid19 virus pandemic.
Out There on the Edge of Everything®…
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Copyright © 2020, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved.
Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
If you would like to receive personal coaching by Dr. Lesavich, please visit his life coaching web-site for additional information.

Award-winning and best-selling Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of 2 different companies, Attorney, Tech Expert, Certified Solution-Focused Life Coach, Experienced Business Coach.