What do you do the day you know your life has changed for good. How do you breathe, get up, go on Although you know you should. We may face disappointments With grief, or loss or pain But staying in a dark place Leaves nothing left to gain. Even when days are heavy And life just feels too tough, Remember God is with you, And given you enough. Look to small things for grateful, And moments you see clear. With smells & sounds & loved ones, important - need you here. Experiencing valleys We question, wonder why. Did life forsake our efforts, we hang our heads and cry. But tears can be quite cleansing They honor how you feel Reach out and look to others When coping how to deal. You'll find that faith is with you And help's not far away You're stronger than you know now Tomorrow's a new day. Written by Sandi Lafferty

With a career path including faith ministry, Sandi promotes learning and helping others with a focus of choice through challenge thinking and the healing power of poetry.