Yes struggle is a part of life We learn and stretch and grow Each day brings challenges anew Such kinds we do not know And if the challenge feels too great We might resist and turn Away from what we're meant to see, and lessons we should learn. React, defend, deny, resist, we tell ourselves we're right. Try to keep score or point out flaws, in others, start a fight. Our defense is an offense. Say - don't know what to do. Detach, escape in anger, the lens we can't see through. A heart closed down is hardened with blockages and pain. Love cannot freely feel and flow, old habits win again. A soul at peace is hopeful and wants to fix a wrong. It listens hard to understand not quick respond, too strong. When someone's feeling troubled, craves empathy and care. Should try to step into their shoes, not roll ones eyes or glare. Energy flows with trying. Fresh thoughts win a new day. Address or brush aside, ignore... I hope we find a way. Sandi Lafferty
With a career path including faith ministry, Sandi promotes learning and helping others with a focus of choice through challenge thinking and the healing power of poetry.