Emotions are defined as “bodily reactions that are activated through neurotransmitters and hormones released by the brain.”
Feelings are defined as “a conscious experience or conscious state of emotional reactions.”
The difference between emotions and feelings is very confusing, but also very important.
Feelings are very important if you are trying to manifest something into your life.
If you are interested in manifesting, consider the 369 manifesting method based on the work of Nicola Tesla.
I have created a free mini-course available to teach you the basics of the 369 Manifesting Method.
I have also created a “369 Manifesting Accelerator Master Course” available for purchase if you desire to take your 369 manifesting practice to the next level.
I have also created an e-book entitled: “The Ultimate Guide to 369 Manifesting” available for purchase that includes include 6 lessons over 91 pages.
When you are faced with a person, situation or event in your life, you create one or more emotions, based on your current attitudes, beliefs and physical perceptions.
The emotions that you create are a complex experience of behavior, subconsciousness and physical sensations you receive from your 5 senses of the sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD in his book, Power vs. Force, originally published in 1994, examined the energetic frequency levels of human consciousness as they pertain to a variety of different human emotions. He used kinesiological muscle testing to determine energetic frequencies in Hertz (i.e., cycles per second) of lower vibrational human emotions (e.g., fear, guilt, shame, etc.) and higher vibrational human emotions (e.g., courage, joy, love, etc.).
Each human emotion includes a unique energy, frequency and vibration.
Feelings form when your brain assigns a meaning to the emotional experience that you are having and integrates and acts upon emotional data it is receiving into a conscious thought.
Feelings are completely conscious while emotions are not.
For example, you can “feel” happy, sad, fearful, loving, etc. which are based on the human emotions of happiness, sadness, fear, love, etc.
Each human feeling also has a unique, energy, frequency and vibration.
When you manifest things into your life, it is based on the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction simply stated is “like-attracts-like.”
According to Law of Attraction expert, Esther Hicks, when you want to manifest something into your life you must “believe it before you see it” instead of having to “see it before you believe it.”
Get additional insights on believing it before you see it from the Out There on the Edge of Everything® Podcast.
How “do believe it before you see it?” You do it with your feelings.
- Develop a Deep Sense of Awareness of What Your Feelings Are. Pay very close attention to your 5 physical senses that are causing the emotions that are generating your feelings. Developing a deep sense of awareness of the emotions that cause your feelings allows you to act proactively instead of reacting to your emotions. Taking measured proactive actions to emotions you are feeling allows you to purposely and consciously create the exact feelings you desire for manifesting.
- Concentrate Daily on Your “Feelings.” Concentrate on your feelings, the unique feelings associated with the object you desire to manifest in your life several times a day. Concentrating on your feelings allows you to consciously tune into higher vibrational energies and your intuition, your first sense, and consciously create an energetic entry point into the energetic realms for you are trying to manifest to send and receive energetic information associated with your feelings.
- Be Receptive to The Changes in Your Environment Caused by Your Feelings. Daily concentration on your feelings associated with the object you are trying to manifest also creates an energetic momentum to bring it into your own physical environment. You need to be receptive and sense even the smallest energetic changes and physical changes that are occurring in your own environment. This energetic momentum creates a deeper receptivity within you in an energetic feedback loop, which in turn increases the energetic momentum, which in turn creates a deeper receptivity, etc. This feedback loop brings you into energetic alignment with the object you desire in the energetic realms and based on the Law of Attraction and it must appear in your environment in the physical realm having the same unique, energy, frequency and vibration. Thus, you sense the object of your desire based on your 5 senses which generate your emotions which generate your feelings which generates energetic momentum. This feedback loop of energetic momentum allows you to “believe it “consciously “before you” actually “see it” when you are manifesting.
This concept may be hard to wrap your head around, so let me give you a specific example.
Say you desire to manifest a new relationship. In every relationship, there are always a few amazing moments when you cannot feel any better than you feel at that exact moment.
Recall one of those amazing moments from one of your prior relationships. That delicious, romantic, blissful feeling you experienced in those amazing moments.
If give your full attention and daily focus to that particular feeling, that delicious, romantic, blissful feeling, you will attract a new partner based on the uniqueness of that particular feeling you are focusing on based on the Law of Attraction. It can’t work any other way energetically.
If you are trying to manifest something else besides a relationship, concentrate on the most positive feelings you can recall for that particular object.
Believing it before you see it, when you are manifesting allows you to create a positive impact and successfully manifest the objects your desire into your life.
Out There on the Edge of Everything® …
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Copyright © 2022, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved.
Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.

Award-winning and best-selling Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of 2 different companies, Attorney, Tech Expert, Certified Solution-Focused Life Coach, Experienced Business Coach.