Deal with sadness sorrow, strife. Shadows dark, a challenged life. See the clouds throughout each day, tinged with hope and words we pray. Understandings as we grieve. Feelings tucked, not on our sleeve. Brave and strong, except for pain. Fight the war, begin again. Gratitude has won the day, helped us struggle, find our way. Blessings simple, sometimes small, find the humor, through it all. Close my eyes and look for peace, Wish the struggles ease or cease. Given time a gift for sure, New steps coming must endure. Help surround me give me grace. Heart and mind I see your face. Keep us in your tender care, held in faith we'll meet you there. Sandi Lafferty

With a career path including faith ministry, Sandi promotes learning and helping others with a focus of choice through challenge thinking and the healing power of poetry.