Blog Post 100 —
I have thinking about what I was going to write for this blog post, which is number 100 for me.
A friend of mine has been struggling with some issues related to one of her recent past romantic relationships and some new struggles with a parent who is in cognitive decline.
Such life situations are challenging to handle one at a time and can become overwhelming when they occur in combination.
Such life situations have brought her into the chaotic energy of change.
My first blog post ever, number 1, was on the concept of change and the chaos of the energy of change.
I also wrote an e-book on successfully handling change that is occurring in your life you can download for free.
Unwanted change includes a breakup, divorce, death, loss of a job, an accident, an injury, an illness a chronic condition, a change in a living situation, that have caused change to enter your life on an involuntary basis.
During your lifetime, you are exposed to many different types of negative experiences related to involuntary changes that occur in your life.
Each negative experience related to such involuntary change that you encounter, especially if the experience caused you some type of physical, emotional, mental, psychological or sexual pain, harm or abuse, creates another negative energetic layer that you carry around with you.
For most of you, it is the negative experiences that ultimately defines who you are, how you react to your own reality and how other people observe and interact with you. These negative experiences also become part of your “story” that you tell over and over to anyone who will listen.
These energetic layers of negative experiences also act as erosive forces that separate you from other people in your life and also separate you further from the energy of a higher power.
The more separate you become from others and from the oneness of the energy of a higher power, the worse you feel and the more likely you are to experience negative emotions such as fear, anger, sadness, guilt, shame, embarrassment, etc. on a daily basis.
The less separate you are from others and the oneness of the energy of a higher power, the better you feel and the more likely you are to experience positive emotions such as love, joy, happiness, hope, optimism, confidence, etc. on a daily basis.
“It is the Power of We that allows you to co-create the life you truly desire.”
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
What is the Power of We?
WE includes a group that includes you, I and all the people in your life.
WE includes a collective energy that includes a set of beliefs, boundaries, ideologies, norms and values shared by a group of people. This collective energy can be both positive and negative.
WE includes the energy of other people in your life.
WE includes your own personal energy that includes your own set of internal and external physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual boundaries.
WE includes your own set of beliefs which include rules and principles you live by, including what you will, or will not, say, do or allow others to say or do to you.
WE includes your own personal energy that also defines a set of behavioral constructs that predicts how you will react to the situations you encounter in your daily life.
It is the combination of your own personal energy, the collective energy and the energy of other people in your life and the contrasts between these energies that creates the Power of WE.
PODCAST: The Power of WE
How do apply the Power of We in your Own Life?
- Connect. To apply the Power of WE, connect with other people in your life in an authentic way. Make the effort to seek out and engage people in your life with a smile and direct eye contact. Connecting with other people in your life allows you overcome the layers of negative energy that cause to feel separated from others and to live and experience the Power of WE from an active and empowered state state of being.
- Communicate. To apply the Power of WE, communicate with other people in your life. Be honest about what you are experiencing physically, emotionally and psychologically with other people in your life. Talk about what you are feeling and why you are feeling that way. Communicating effectively allows you apply the Power of WE to achieve a new understanding of both yourself and the people in your life.
- Co-Create. To apply the Power of WE, co-create with other people to make and bring something brand new into existence in your life. When you connect in an authentic way and communicate with other people in your life, you can create amazing new experiences. Co-creation with the Power of WE includes being confident, optimistic, having a clear vision for yourself, having a genuine understanding of the other people in your life so you can co-create the life you truly desire with them.
Remember, we are all in this together. It is the Power of We that will allow you to make a positive impact in your own life and other life of others.
I am apply the Power of WE daily in my life. How about you?
Out There on the Edge of Everything®…
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Copyright © 2022, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved.
Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.

Award-winning and best-selling Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of 2 different companies, Attorney, Tech Expert, Certified Solution-Focused Life Coach, Experienced Business Coach.