Letter A: Attitude
Attitude is defined as “a settled or ingrained way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behavior.”
Attitude is also defined (with respect to an aircraft) as “an orientation with respect to a set of reference axes to an artificial horizon.” Aircraft include an instrument called an attitude indicator that visually shows your attitude orientation.

Aircraft Attitude Indicator
There is a well know Law of the Universe, “like attracts like” (i.e., Law of Attraction).
“Like attracts like.”
Law of the Universe
If your attitudes are settled or ingrained in negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, shame, etc. your set of behavioral references will be orientated towards a negative artificial horizon.
An orientation towards a negative artificial horizon indicates you are living your life from the shadow side of your psyche composed of composed of fear, repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, perceived shortcomings and chaos. Remember, one old acronym for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.
You will be sending out negative vibrational energy to your negative artificial horizon. Since you co-create your own reality, you will attract people and situations into your own reality that matches your negative vibrational energy.
In contrast, if your attitude is settled or ingrained in positive emotions such as courage, joy, love, peace, etc. your set of behavioral references will be oriented towards a positive real horizon.
You will be sending out positive vibrational energy to your own positive real horizon. Since you co-create your own reality, you will attract people and situations into your own reality that matches your own positive attitude.
An orientation towards a positive real horizon indicates you are living your life from the light side of your psyche.
Take a look at Love Infinity’s picture above. Her picture captures a number of rock walls separating flat grass lined terraces across lower levels of a mountain that step up a slope to a higher level on the mountain. The higher level on the mountain includes a layer of diverse vegetation including a layer of trees and bushes on the upper horizon without any walls.
The flat grass lined terraces separated with rock walls represent your settled or ingrained negative emotions such as anger, fear, guilt, shame, etc. These ingrained negative emotions keep you inside artificial walls orientated towards a negative artificial horizon in which you attract people and situations with a similar vibrational energy and keep you operating inside such energetic walls.
In contrast, the layer of diverse vegetation on the horizon at a higher level on the mountain represents your settled or ingrained positive emotions such as courage, joy, love, peace, etc. These ingrained positive emotions set you free from operating within any walls and orientates you towards a real positive horizon in which a set of rich and diverse experiences is possible. A real horizon from which you will attract people and situations into your own reality that matches your own positive vibrational energy.
So how do you free yourself, change your attitudes on own attitude indicator and orientate yourself to a positive real horizon in your own life?
- Identify the Attitudes You Desire to Change. Ask yourself questions to identify any attitudes based on lower vibrational negative emotions you desire to change. What are my needs when I have this attitude? What are my needs if I change this attitude? Do I really need this attitude or do I just like having it? What do I have to eliminate in order to stop this attitude? What do I need to let go of to change this attitude? What is my energetic orientation, when I express this attitude? Is it a positive or negative energetic orientation? What would my energetic orientation be if I did not express this attitude?
- Practice Present Moment Awareness to Initiate Change in Your Attitudes. The past is gone and the future has not yet occurred. So focusing on either the past or future is nothing but a distraction and a waste of energy. The present moment is the point between the past and the future. It is the point at which you can co-create the life you truly desire. It is the point that keeps you connected energetically to everyone and everything in your environment. To practice present moment awareness, breathe slowly and rhythmically, be still and become aware of all your senses. What can you see, hear, feel, taste and smell, right at this instance? Breathe slowly and feel the air moving into and out of your body. Experience everything from inside your body to outside your body and connect to your environment. Be aware of and see all things around you without judgement. This puts you in a calm present moment state.
- Change Your Focus to Change Your Attitudes. From your present moment state, focus your awareness on new thoughts and emotions and new higher vibrational positive emotions such as courage, joy, love, peace, etc. Then focus on creating a set of next meaningful steps you can take to adjust your thoughts and emotions to one of these higher vibrational positive emotions. Take actions on your set of your next meaningful steps daily. Taking daily actions on these next meaningful steps will allow you to shift your orientation from that of a negative emotional artificial horizon to one of a positive emotional real horizon and attract something new and different into your life.
Changing your attitude and your own orientation towards a positive real horizon from a negative artificial horizon will create a positive impact in your life and allow you to co-create a life you truly desire.
Out There on the Edge of Everything®…
Stephen Lesavich, PhD
Copyright © 2020, by Stephen Lesavich, PhD. All rights reserved.
Certified solution-focused life coach and experienced business coach.
Blog posts: Project Explanation — POSITIVE — Letter 1 – P — Letter 2 – O — Letter 3 — S — Letter 4 — I — Letter 5 — T — Letter 6 — I — Letter 7 — V — Letter 8 — E — IMPACT — Letter 9 — I — Letter 10 — M — Letter 11 — P — Letter 12 — A — Letter 13 — C — Letter 14 — T.
Podcasts: Project Explanation — POSITIVE — Letter 1 – P — Letter 2 – O — Letter 3 — S — Letter 4 — I — Letter 5 — T — Letter 6 — I — Letter 7 — V — Letter 8 — E — IMPACT — Letter 9 — I — Letter 10 — M — Letter 11 — P — Letter 12 — A — Letter 13 — C — Letter 14 — T.

Dr. Stephen and I discuss this topic often. If you change your attitude and orientate yourself to horizon with a higher vibrational energy, you can free from operating within any walls and live your life attracting a set of rich and diverse experiences where anything is possible. I always make sure my attitude indicator is individually pointed to a real horizon based on my own positive vibrational emotions. I try to keep my emotional energy at the vibration of love each moment of the day.
Love Infinity

Award-winning and best-selling Author, Entrepreneur, Visionary, CEO of 2 different companies, Attorney, Tech Expert, Certified Solution-Focused Life Coach, Experienced Business Coach.